Francesco Binfaré

Francesco Binfaré
Director of Cesare Cassina Centre from 1969 up to 1975. Art Director of Cassina from 1973 up to 1990. Working with Edra since 1992. From 1967 up to 1980 he created a series of drawings that formed the analogical basis of his research. At the Cesare Cassina Centre he transferred the artistic process into design research and involved various architects and designers in the creation of products (up to 1972 also for C&B Italy, today B&B Italy). He coordinated the realization of projects for the exhibition “New Domestic Landscape” at MOMA, New York 1972. In order to pursue his research, he travelled to India, the USA and Japan (1970-1973). He supported experimental initiatives such as Braccio di ferro for an edition of avant-garde prototypes and as Environmedia to promote the use of interactive media in project practices (1973). In 1980 he set up his own Design and Communication Centre and worked for Cassina, Marcatrè, De Padova and Venini (1980-1992). Some of the most interesting examples of his work are the ten years cycle of installations for Cassina (from “Il Ponte” – “The Bridge”, 1977, to “Spazio Storico, Razionale, Cosmico” – “Historical, Rational, Cosmic Space”, 1987), the participation with “Autoritratto con padre e Architetture” – “Self-portrait with father and Architecture” to the exhibition held for the census of Design at the Triennale, Milan 1979. He took part to the itinerary exhibition on the future of technology with “Il mostro e la tela” – “The monster and the canvas” for Mondo Materialis of 1988 and with the project “La permanenza” – “The permanence” at the Triennale, Milan 1992. The exhibition “La mia mano destra” – “My right hand” of 1996 at Galleria Milano initiated a phase of intense dialogue with Pierre Restany. In 1992, as he was finishing a series of huge paintings called “Tracce emozionali domestiche” – “Traces of domesticated emotions” he was invited by Massimo Morozzi to design for Edra. The sofa L’homme et la femme HF was launched at the Galleria Kastern Greve during the Cologne Furniture Fair in 1993, determining the beginning of a successful collaboration with Edra and the start of a singular and fascinating period rich with stimuli and invention, as seen in products such as Flap, On the Rocks, Sfatto, and with sofas such as Sherazade, Sofa, Standard, where the combinations of idea and technique can reach extreme levels of quality.

some products from this designer