The Bras invites you to make yourself comfortable, and embraces you. Reclining and taking it easy, or sitting cosily in a corner, enjoy the relaxation and comfort offered by this beautiful, sleek sofa. One striking feature of the Bras is its unique armrests. The natural form of your arm when gently resting it on an armrest inspired Khodi Feiz to produce this design. After all, your arm doesn’t bend at a perfect right angle; it bends at different joints in an angular curve, just like the Bras armrest.
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Khodi Feiz is an industrial designer who was born in Iran and grew up in the USA. A graduate of Syracuse University in New York, he moved to the Netherlands in 1990 to work Design Studio together with graphic designer Anneko Feiz-van Dorssen, where they specialize in the fields of product design, furniture design, graphic design, and strategic design for companies such as Alessi, Artifort, Herman ...
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