
Inumbra is unique because of his pure aesthetics. Easy to open and close: the parasol opens and closes by means of a separate handle. All technical parts that open and close the screen are above the inumbra's UV resistant fabric and consequently are not visible when seated under the parasol.Inumbra has been submitted to wind-tunnel testing at the Von Karman Institute. Although the parasol can withstand wind speeds up to 8 on the Beaufort scale, it is advisable to close it sooner (from wind speed 6 is the rule of thumb).
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Dirk Wynants founded his company Extremis in 1994. He is still the full owner and president of the board of directors, but gives priority to designing and art direction. Next to that he is managing director of his own design studio Dirk Wynants Design Works (founded in 2006). Dirk established Extremis for the realization of his own designs. The Gargantua garden table was his first ever Extremis ...
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