Wegner’s primary material was always solid wood. Nevertheless, having designed the pp550 Peacock Chair in 1947, it was not until 1968 that Wegner created an expressive easy chair with solid wood as the dominant material, namely the Web Chair. Its playful and ample armrests immediately bring to mind Wegner's sense of joy at shaping solid wood, while at the same time the chair manifests the distinct idea of transparency in a nonetheless sturdily constructed and comfortable easy chair.The history of the Web Chair reveals Wegner’s insistence on artistic integrity. Despite the expressive use of solid wood, Wegner introduced the Web Chair by showcasing six chairs all painted bright red!
Hans J. Wegner is among the greatest of furniture designers. And he must also have been one of the most productive, since we today can count more than 1000 models. His designs have been described as 'timeless', 'everlasting', 'perfect to the fullest extent of what is possible', and 'free from passing trends'.There are many reasons for the quality of Wegner's furniture. The most important is probab ...
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