PP130 The circle chair

The idea of making a chair based on the most simple and elegant shape of them all, the circle, remained a distant dream until Hans J. Wegner eventually completed the design at the age of 72. This bright sparkle, this tickling thought, matured over a lifetime and became one of his most visionary projects, posing great challenges for PP Møbler’s workshop as its construction would push the limits of the possible.Consequently the Circle Chair turned out to be one of Wegner’s most characteristic designs and it still offers great comfort and flexibility. One of the many appealing features of the Circle Chair is the fact that despite the size and comfort it is light and transparent, very practical and easy to move around.The Circle Chair definitely elevates Wegner into the exclusive league of artists who performed consistently at a very high level throughout a long life.
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Hans J. Wegner is among the greatest of furniture designers. And he must also have been one of the most productive, since we today can count more than 1000 models. His designs have been described as 'timeless', 'everlasting', 'perfect to the fullest extent of what is possible', and 'free from passing trends'.There are many reasons for the quality of Wegner's furniture. The most important is probab ...
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