The originality and workmanship of its legs are the outstanding features of the Riddled table, which incorporates the notion of porosity found in multiple architecture works by Steven Holl. The thin sheets of wood, folded through laser engraving, make this project even more spectacular in its apparent defiance of the laws of physics. These two legs, akin to origami sculptures, allow the passage of the internal light to create a myriad of lights and shadows.
Steven Holl is a tenured faculty member at Columbia University where he has taught since 1981. In July 2001 Time Magazine named Steven Holl as America’s Best Architect, for ‘buildings that satisfy the spirit as well as the eye.’ Most recently, Steven Holl was awarded the 2012 AIA Gold Medal and the 2010 Jencks Award of the RIBA. Other awards include the first ever Arts Award of the BBVA Foundation ...
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