Wegner presented his first version of The Chinese Chair at the Cabinetmakers’ Guild’s Autumn Exhibition in 1943. He had been inspired by an old Chinese chair that he had carefully studied at the Danish Museum of Industrial Arts. The Chinese Chair became a cornerstone for Wegner in his early line of designs inspired by foreign cultures. Completing at least seven individual prototypes of Chinese inspired chairs, Wegner worked intensely on modernising the traditional concept, and eventually The Chinese Chair evolved into the Round One, also called The Chair. pp66 was designed in 1945 and became the quintessential modern outcome of Wegner’s studies of Chinese chairs. The pp56 version with the upholstered seat for a softer sitting experience was added in 1989.
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Hans J. Wegner is among the greatest of furniture designers. And he must also have been one of the most productive, since we today can count more than 1000 models. His designs have been described as 'timeless', 'everlasting', 'perfect to the fullest extent of what is possible', and 'free from passing trends'.There are many reasons for the quality of Wegner's furniture. The most important is probab ...
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