pp58 pp68 1987

What is left to do after a long glorious carrier with a long line of design masterpieces acknowledged by the whole world, and a number of significant awards already achieved? For Hans J. Wegner the answer was obvious: in 1987, 73 years old, he designed the pp58/pp68 as his final basic chair; a genuinely comfortable, practical, strong, durable and affordable chair. Benefitting from a life's experience with furniture design, he was determined to let this particular design be guided by all he had learnt from his previous works.Comprising solid wood joined with tenons proved by testing each joint to withstand one ton of pulling strength, the chair is designed to be comfortable in alternate seating positions, making it a delightful experience to be seated for hours. At an affordable price, it will outlast everyday use throughout your life - and your children's and your grandchildren's, effectively constituting the essence of sustainability – and not just in terms of ecology, but also in terms of economics. All in all it is a strong, final contribution from one of the world’s greatest furniture designers. The simple conclusion to an incredible life’s work.
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Hans J. Wegner is among the greatest of furniture designers. And he must also have been one of the most productive, since we today can count more than 1000 models. His designs have been described as 'timeless', 'everlasting', 'perfect to the fullest extent of what is possible', and 'free from passing trends'.There are many reasons for the quality of Wegner's furniture. The most important is probab ...
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