”As I've been visiting PP Mobler, I often got fascinated by the many wonderful pieces of waste wood that naturally appears in the creation of PP Mobler's collection. There were pieces in ash, maple, oak, beech, walnut and cherry as well as various other wood types, which I didn't immediately recognize. Each piece was like a colour sample: Both individually beautiful, but also exciting in a mix of many different, where colour and grain look good in combinations. These pieces of waste wood fascinated me. They were far too good to burn but too small to be part of a chair or a table. So I went home wondering if I could figure out a good product that would make use of them.” quote Thomas E. Alken.
For more products for PP Mobler, please visit: http://www.ppmobler.dk


Thomas E. Alken mDD, graduated from the Danish Design School in, 1997, with additional studies from The University of Art and Design in Helsinki. In 1997 he started own design studio in Copenhagen. Since 2005, head of the board of The Cabinetmakers Autumn Exhibition “SE”. Since 2007, member to the Professional Advisory Committee of Danish Designers mDD. Since 2009, member of the School Council at ...
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