Ron Arad

Ron Arad
Consistently inventive and challenging, Ron Arad has studiously avoided categorisation by curators and critics throughout his career. He never wanted a profession as such – whether as architect, product or furniture designer – but his reputation in each of these fields is formidable; as the outsider continually questioning established practices and institutions. Since 1997, Ron Arad has led the Design Products masters’ degree course at the Royal College of Art in London. Initially appointed Professor of Furniture and of Industrial Design, he restructured the two departments into one with eight platforms led by pairs of visiting tutors – a programme that aimed to make the two year course more interdisciplinary and pluralistic. His influence is undeniable: without turning out Arad clones, the RCA course has produced a generation of graduates whose willingness to question typologies of design, to experiment with processes and to expand boundaries owes more than a little to Professor Ron Arad.